Pre-school visit to Birkenhead Park

Pre-school had great fun on their trip to Birkenhead Park for their Annual Walk around the park. It was great to be out in the fresh air hunting for signs of Spring. The children used their senses to see and hear signs of Spring around the park. We walked over the Chinese Bridge, past the ponds and saw... ducklings, coots, buds, daffodils, primroses, primulas, bird's nests, a cormorant and two swans.
They were excited to visit the visitors centre. Whilst there, a Park Ranger came and talked to the children. She very kindly gave the children a pencil, mini ruler and a key ring! After this, they went to the playground and had lots of fun on the swings, slide, roundabout and other equipment.
Finally, after a fun playtime in the playground we got onto the minibus and where back to school just in time for lunch!
What fantastic fun they had learning in the outdoors.